TypeScriptHow to integrate Mailchimp with Next JS and TypeScript1. Introduction & Overview In this tutorial, we will be going through how to integrate the email marketing platform Mailchimp with Next.js and TypeScript. When integrating it into an application recently, I ran across numerous issues and thought this tutorial might be useful to others. A GitHub repository is referenced at the end of this tutorial. Prerequisites For your reference, below are the versions we are using in this application. We will be using the app router setup for Next.js. Ver
How to implement KYC/AML protocols for an NFT marketplaceLearn how to implement KYC/AML protocols for an NFT marketplace.
Why You Need KYCKnow Your Customer (KYC) is an integral part of any Anti-Money Laundering program. In this article I'll go through what KYC is, why you may need it, and how to choose a SaaS provider that fits your needs.