Ashwin Sundar

A collection of 6 posts

Diagrams as code: Making documentation more useful

Diagrams as code: Making documentation more useful

Discover a solution to the challenge of maintaining up-to-date documentation, by creating diagrams using code. This approach makes it easier for engineers to create and update documentation, and helps new team members develop mental models based on accurate information.

Ashwin Sundar7 min read
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Django front-end simplified

Django front-end simplified

"Front-end" in web development refers to the visual appearance of an application or website. In Django, a web development framework, the front-end is created in DTL (Django Template Language), which is a superset of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). DTL represents the "what" of the page - the actual contents. The "how" of the page - how the page appears - is defined by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Django template language (DTL) files Here's an example of a DTL file: stats-pane.html {% lo

Ashwin Sundar3 min read
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