A collection of 2 posts

iOS Accessibility: Dynamic Type

iOS Accessibility: Dynamic Type

Nowadays just about everyone, everywhere, regardless of age and ability, uses a smartphone. With that in mind, it’s more important than ever to consider all the different ways to make your app accessible to everyone to ensure an inclusive experience. In this series, we’ll be discussing different ways iOS developers can make their apps more accessible. First up, we’ll be talking about Dynamic Type. Dynamic Type is a feature on iOS that enables the app’s content to scale based on the user's pre

Kelsey Anderson5 min read
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Securely Storing Data on iOS

Securely Storing Data on iOS

Our mobile devices and the apps that run on them have a unique insight into our lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, shopping, photography, navigation, and myriad other purposes. Consequently, apps have access to a great deal of information about our preferences, our contacts, where we go, what we buy, and who we are. As app developers, we need to be cognizant of the information being handled by our apps and to safeguard it accordingly. The protection of sensitive information is

Paul Calnan8 min read
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